Saturday, June 11, 2011

So Much Pooltime.

I was looking at the last post-what I blogged on and I couldn't help but laugh. Kruzer is NOT sleeping all night. Consistently that is. Every now and then I will get lucky. And when I say lucky I mean-about 6 hours of solid sleep. Being that Travis' schedule is a little crazy I am the only one to get up with the kids come midnight. So what a blessing it is when sleep comes for me. But just for the record-Kruzer is still (at 11 months old) not consistently sleeping all night.

eems like with the heat, summer started a little early. We spent the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend at my Mom's house. A little plastic pool, some toys, a blanket and some chips with french onion dip set up our afternoon and we couldn't have been happier. The boys played and in the midst of being sprayed a few times and being referees, we talked. Since my mom moved to Fairburn our good, face-to-face conversations don't come as often as I'd like, so I cherish them when I do get them. Here are a few pictures from our afternoon.

Kolt filling up the pool.

Mr. Stunt Man making BIG splashes and making Kolt laugh too :)

Bubbles make my kiddos happy, especially when they're from YahYah.

Most of our time since then has been spent at our neighborhood pool. We've had tons of friends over to hang out with us: Samantha and her crew, Heidi and her family, Travis' sister and Rob, and my Mom has been down tons too. I haven't had the chance to take a lot of pictures in fear with my camera being near water-but just know we are staying cool in all this hotness!

Today I am Thankful For:

Being led to this home. We looked at several options and when we settled on this house, we both knew it was the right choice. We love the neighborhood and the pool is awesome!


  1. Today I am thankful for having a daughter like you.

  2. if it makes you feel any better, abigail just started sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago. she is 14 months...well that might not make you feel better but know an end is in sight ;)

    p.s. your three fellas are so handsome.

  3. Kolt was 14 months before he consistently slept all night too. Some nights you just wish it would hurry along.... :)

  4. You live in Hampton now don't you? We probably live right by eachother!
