I know, I know ...
it's not Easter ...
But we are studying birds this school year with the Apologia: Zoology 1 curriculum and I thought the boys would enjoy some stirring in the kitchen ;)
These of course were super easy! The boys loved the eggs (jellybeans), but not the nests!
Three easy ingredients.
Two kids who like to stir.
Kollin's "bird" layed about 10 eggs he said, as he piled the jellybeans on top.
Then he ate them and smiled.
Poor Kolt really didn't like it, but the sweet kiddo smiled anyway.
Anyway, they were easy, fun and gross. Cheers to an Easter-like project in December.
We did these in April and LORD, what a mess! And Josie didn't help at all and then thought they were gross. It was a major Pinterest FAIL!