Monday, April 1, 2013

First Day

The day started out with a bang! Meaning we had to get up, feed everybody, dress everybody and set up my backdrop for a session before 10am. Um - and you see what time we all dawdled downstairs ... 

All in all, today I got to snuggle with a new baby, watch Kollin build a fort and Kolt climb up the side of the clubhouse, praise God for the beauty He has going on in my backyard, have a day-date with my husband, bought a few new things for ME (I know, I can't believe it either) and make my Momma's curtains (which is a major check on my To-Do list) while the husband took the boys to Kolt's football practice ...

Wish I had the courage to spend $20.00 on this hat ... until then, I'll just keep my picture ...

Proof Kohen is way spoiled ... picture below is after I set him down ...

And more proof that he will actually play alone once I am not in the room ...

Evidence that a certain 2 year old has been in my make-up again ...

Linking up with Journey to Josie ...


  1. Kelsey - Haven't seen you in forever...good to find you through first day! - Fallon

    1. Great to hear from you! I would love for you to follow us :) Do you have a blog too?
