Monday embarked an entire new journey for the Nichols' household: we began homeschooling - something that six months ago, I SWORE I would never do. I always said I didn't have the patience and just simply "wasn't cut out for it".
Needless to say, the Lord had a different plan for this family and quickly changed my heart about homeschooling. I became so at peace with the idea and very excited about all the opportunities our family would have to learn together along the way.
A schedule was written, curriculum was ordered and a very anxious Momma sat down with her boys around the kitchen table on Monday morning. Kollin was so eager and asked if he could call me Teacher. Made me laugh. We've started with math, reading, writing and our theme this month will be Farm and Zoo animals. We are also focusing on the character trait of obedience this month. What better one to start with, right?
I had a phone conversation with my Mom on Monday afternoon. She asked a very simple question, "How'd it go this morning? Did they learn anything?" I swiftly answered with an "I don't know, guess we'll find it tomorrow". And sure enough, the answer was yes. These pictures were taken on Tuesday.
Here is Kollin working on writing his bible verse, Proverbs 22:6.
Kolt's first time using scissors.
Our study of horses comes from the KONOS curriculum. The boys learned the different "points" of the horse Monday. Tuesday as we reviewed them, which together they were able to remember nearly all of them, they chose different crayons to color in the different "points" on their horse.
Oops, these are upside down. But I wanted to show you the difference in Kollin's writing from Monday to Tuesday. On Monday, I let him copy his bible verse on his own. I wanted to see what he would do. Tuesday, I reminded him of his upper and lower case and spacing his words out. Wow, what a difference.
We headed to the library Tuesday afternoon to check out books on farming and horses. The boys had so much fun finding books on the shelves and checking them out.
So far things are going well. This month we have tons of stuff planned, including a trip to Daucet Trails and going to watch my cousin during her horseback riding lessons. I am super stoked to be given this opportunity of learning with my boys :) Check back for more updates...
Today (and everyday) I am Thankful for:
All this loving going around in our house. I am so thankful that my bigger boys love on Kohen so much and want to help all the time. I pray these boys will grow closer and closer with one another...
Love it! Copywork is one of my favorite ways to watch Josie improving.
ReplyDeleteGood job TEACHER!