Thursday, November 28, 2013

A House Full ...

Monday afternoon brought me my brother, his wife, my nieces and nephew and their 3 dogs. My house was so full and now, so is my heart. One thing about Travis and I is on both sides, our nieces and nephews all live out of state. We only see them a few times a year so when we hear the words Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Travis ... our hearts become extra, extra, extra full. 

Monday when they got here I heard tons of squeals from Emma Grace and Bella. Oh how I just adore those little girl squeals. We let the kiddos play a little while and they colored pictures for YahYah. Mom bought pizza for everyone so we went and invaded her house for a few hours. The highlight of the night was hearing Bella bust out Bingo and watching the living room go from quiet and clean to rowdy and destroyed in about 5 minutes flat. 

The joys of children ...

Tuesday was rainy, wet and dreary.Of course, my brother had the bright idea of having the kiddos' pictures taken together that day. It took us about three hours to bathe and dress 7 children - and curl Emma and Bella's hair. Through the chaos, it was accomplished and resulted in a priceless picture of all the kids. Memories made it all worth it. 

Wednesday was supposed to be a day of chill, and it remained that way for me. Some of the others took off to run errands and go out to lunch. My Dad came over for lasagna, which is his, Kollin and Emma's favorite meal. We all devoured it and laughed at the spilled milk, the squeals and just the pure loudness of all of our children combined. I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Today, of course, was Thanksgiving! I love this holiday and my heart smiles every time I see a ton of cars in one driveway, that means a family has gathered there for that day. For the past few years we have only done Thanksgiving at my MawMaw's, but this year my Grandma decided to have Thanksgiving at her house, "like the old days". And when Grandma calls, you go. Me and all of my cousins have been chatting on Facebook about this day for a couple months now. We had way too much fun laughing, talking about when we were little and eating way too much food. 

You knew we would ...

My Aunt Linda sharing her chocolate pie with Kohen and me and my Bella ...

Travis and my Grandpa enjoying the warmth of the fire ... 

Poppie put Kohen in his own rendition of a play-pen and here is Emma, Kolt and Kruz playing ...

More and more and more cousins ... 

I just loved this shot with the sun peeping through ...

My awesome, awesome Grandpa ... 

Ready for a wagon ride ...

Happy Thanksgiving from The Nichols Family ...

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