Sunday, September 22, 2013

Some Things You Just Consider a Privilege ....

I started the original post about my great grandmother's passing Wednesday night as I was packing up our suitcase to leave Thursday. The content of my post was going to share a few memories about this sweet, stubborn woman I called Granny. As most of my tasks go, I was caught off guard with trying to find four pairs of "church shoes" and ended up not finishing that post. 

I'm sure glad I didn't because since her services, I have so much more to say ...

Thursday afternoon myself, my Momma, my stepdad Tracy and my kiddos piled in her car and headed to North Georgia. My Granny's viewing was that evening and it was important we be there to visit with our family that we do not see nearly enough. I really wanted those hours to hug them, talk to them and mourn with them. As we walked in you could feel the love, sorrow and happiness all at once - we all mourned over Granny's leaving us, but rejoiced knowing she was no longer suffering and had her arms wrapped around Grandfather. I cuddled my boys one at time sporadically throughout the evening and watched the video of pictures of Granny's life and family. I pointed out so many of myself, my cousins, my Momma and even some of my Daddy. 

Friday morning we (we meaning me, Kohen, my Momma and Tracy) were up bright and early, I left the husband and three big boys soundly sleeping in the dark, nice hotel room. Nope, no bitterness there. We headed to BiLo, met my Uncle Doug and two cousins, Hannah and Elisabeth, to get a slew of breakfast stuff and drove up the mountain. 

I would love to say I helped cook the amazing breakfast we all partook of and if you include slicing cheese as cooking, then yes, I did help. We sat with my MawMaw, PawPaw and other great uncles and aunts and enjoyed a spread of biscuits and Granny's gravy, eggs, fruit, bacon and sausage. Oh my yum. 

Friday at 3 o'clock we all gathered the last time with Granny. We cried, laughed and said our "We'll see ya later"s. The service was given by the reverend of my Granny's church, my Uncle James and my MawMaw. We reminisced on Granny's strength, stubborn ways and selflessness. I closed my eyes and thought of her okra, green beans and biscuits and gravy. I thought of her smile. I thought of the times me, MawMaw and Granny would put together puzzles. I thought of the sweet blanket that Kohen cuddles up with at night that she made. I thought of my cousins who spent so much more time with her than I did. And I thought of my Aunt Ann, the one who has taken care of her since my Grandfather passed in 1992. My cousin Paula sobbed and spoke of the one thing she has learned watching the process of Granny getting older - she spoke of unconditional love - as she watched her mother care for her grandmother over all these years. Her sobbing words will never leave me. 

At the gravesite as we were getting ready to load the boys up, my Aunt Ann spoke words I will forever embed in my heart, in my soul. As Travis and I thanked her for all she had done for Granny over the years, commending her for her selfless lifestyle, she looked at us and said:
"Hunny, some things you just consider a privilege." 

My Granny lived to be 92, she was born on October 26th, 1921. Here is a piece from her obituary.

As I looked at the many families that were represented at Granny's services the saying, "All because two people fell in love" resonated an entire new meaning for me

Thank you Grandfather and Granny. I'll see ya later.

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