Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Week In Words - 03/10 ...

Life This Week - 

The Hubs was on Spring Break this week and when you say "break" I immediately ask myself what we can get done together. None of my plans came through since landscaping came back in full force this week. Break? What break? 

There is no other way to put it other than we were packed this week with activities and we had some curveballs thrown at us too.

 Our church held revival this week from Sunday morning to Wednesday night and I was able to make it to 4/5 of the services with the boys. Talk about being filled to the measure and ready to conquer the world ... The Shepherd Family hosted our church with fabulous music, moving testimonies and some good 'ole fashion preaching. Although revival is tough because I get the boys in bed much later than normal, it is so worth it to me. Wednesday night as Kollin prayed at the altar on his own, he looked up with a tear streaked face. I know he felt something special - even at his age, the Lord will speak. That makes it more than worth it to me. 

Monday night I had Book Club (one of my favorite nights of the month) so the boys were able to spend some time with my Dad. They all got dirty, stinky and gross like 5 bachelors should. This smart Momma packed a bag full of pajamas and my Dad got the hint to get all of them bathed before I got back. It was nice to walk in the door, only having to brush their teeth and put them to bed. 

Any "downtime" we had was spent outside soaking up the sun. Some days were windy and a little chilly, but nothing a hoodie couldn't help.

You can read my last post to see the events from Thursday. Let's just say there is yet another broken bone involved. 

Friday I was up super early and headed to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta to be with a close friend of mine Nicole, where her 4 year old son Gabe underwent his third open heart surgery. There is no short way to tell you the events of the day, but I can send you to Nicole's blog where she is updating daily and you can catch up on and follow Gabe's journey. I was so honored to be with their family yesterday and to see Gabe right before and following his surgery. There is something about Gabe that caught my heart from the first time I met him, he is such a special kid and a trooper! When I left the hospital last night, I walked away from his bed knowing his oxygen levels were higher than they've ever been and his lips are no longer blue. God is so amazing and I am thankful to have been a tiny part of Gabe's journey through all of this. 

(A few old goodies of Gabe and Kruz taken about a year ago)

I hit 19 weeks this Friday! The biggest news this week with Miss Khloe is that my favorite lounging jeans took the plunge, I moved up a size in leggings (scored some new ones at Target for $5), I was able to actually enjoy a Starbucks for the first time in months and I can feel her movements now on the outside of my tummy. I can't wait for the boys to get to feel her move! 

School This Week

We decided to take our Spring Break this week since Travis was home more than usual. It's so much harder to keep the house and kiddos running on our usual schedule when Daddy is home. I think we all enjoyed the small break even though life got pretty hectic this week.


Tuesday was Family Day since Friday (our normal day for Family Day) we knew I'd be with The Pope's for Gabe's surgery. We headed to Norcross for an early morning errand and ended up spending the day there. Great food and a couple great new parks on a gorgeous day was enough to keep our clan happy! 

Conversation of the Week

Kollin: (with his face up to my belly talking to Khloe) Hi there Khloe Ruth. This is Bu ... Oh my gosh Mommy I feel her head!!
Me: No Goober! That's my hip!
Kollin: Are you sure? Cause it's ginormous and big like a head!
Me: Well, thanks ...

Favorite Snap


  1. It was good to have you there with us at the hospital! Your love and special connection with Gabe were felt and truly appreciated by me and I'm sure ALL the family!

    1. I was truly honored to be there. Gabe is one special kid!
