Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Week In Words - 03/17 ...

Life This Week

Insane. Insane. Insane.

 And insert some just plain crazy in there too.

Monday was like a monsoon here. And I really don't mind rainy days as long as I can stay inside in my pajamas all day. This particular rainy day however, I was forced to be out and about in it. Kolt and I snuck out pretty early to do some grocery shopping and just when I had unloaded the bags, got into my comfy rainy day pajamas and started finishing up the process of sorting, tagging and hanging my items to sell in the consignment sale, my printer decides not to work and I run out of hangers. Needless to say, I was forced back out in the monsoon of it all. Oh the things I do for consignment sales ...
The rest of Monday was spent finishing up the process of it all - cut the tag, pin the tag, hang the item on the hanger, repeat ... times 208 ...

Tuesday morning I worked my first shift for the consignment sale from 9:00-1:00. That afternoon could not come fast enough because this was in store for me: getting to see my Gabe!

If you are unfamiliar with Gabe's story, please check out my friend Nicole's blog Journey to Josie. It's crazy how far away and helpless I feel with them just an hour away. The few hours I was able to snuggle with this kiddo was nothing short of wonderful. I'm missing him (and his Momma) so much right now. Hospital life is tough for my friend and all I can offer daily are my prayers. While I was there we were able to sneak to the cafeteria for a quiet cup of coffee. She vented about the realities of her life right now and I vented about the Hubs washing just his dish in the sink. Seeing her, laughing with her, listening to her, cleaning up puke with her -  did us both some good. 

Wednesday morning was spent trying to catch up on housework and laundry. And Wednesday afternoon was spent shopping for Khloe all five of my kiddos at the consignment sale. The night ended with an extremely greasy, cholesterol-raising Texas Bacon Angus Patty Melt (I think that's the right title) from Waffle House. And watching Kruz model his 'new' clothes of course. 

Thursday? Read my last post

Friday morning I worked my second and final shift for the consignment sale. The afternoon was spent with the husband and kiddos, then he headed off to work. The kids went to bed early and I spent my night sewing the valance for Kruz and Kohen's new room. I know. I'm a crazy one. I guess you know your a Momma when your Friday night is spent sewing. 

The week {insert deeeeeep breath in} is over {exhaleeeeee}.

And I conquered it - with only a couple minor breakdowns in the process. One which included Kollin threatening to run away. Oh me, oh my - sometimes my life is so humorous. 

In the midst of my own craziness and my many thoughts of Nicole and Gabe, I have repeated this scripture over and over:

"But I have hope when I think of this: The Lord's love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning; Lord, your loyalty is great. I say to myself, 'The Lord is mine, so I hope in him.'" ...
Lamentations 3:21-24 (NCV)

School This Week

Yea, so our Spring Break lasted two weeks. Guess that's the beauty of homeschooling right? I'm not looking forward to the extra cramming in the weeks to come, but it is what it is and I know we'll get it done. We'll be starting this catch up plan in full force tomorrow morning ...


This week was so consumed with other stuff, we didn't really make it to anywhere adventurous. 

Conversation of the Week

Me: Did you guys eat all of your food? (We all had Zaxby's on the way to Ikea Saturday, the boys had grilled cheeses)
Kolt: Mommy!! You're gonna be so proud of me! I ate all of my sandwich, like even the crust. Which I don't normally eat the crust when it's a grilled cheese because it'll have like all the cheese all over it but I ate it this time because the bread was all covered in cheese.
Me: So you don't like the crust of a grilled cheese, but you ate this one because it was all covered in cheese?
Kolt: Yep. Exactly!
Me: {blank stare}

Favorite Snap

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