Monday, March 24, 2014

Twenty Weeks, Three Days ...

Hi there again Little Lady!

I got to see your sweet, precious face today, your big ole' belly, your knobby knees and that amazing little heart beat. For the first time, I was really able to see some of your tiny, developing features.

You have the cutest little nose and a mouth just like mine. Bony little fingers and all, you're beautiful, you're mine. Just like the first time I saw you, your mouth open and closed throughout the entire ultrasound. At some point, you looked straight at the camera and gave me a thumbs up. Just like you're saying, "It's you and me Mommy ..."

We were suppose to do a full scan today to measure every last inch of you and make sure you are growing just right, but I was scheduled wrong in the system. What was supposed to be a 30 Minute scan was only a 15 Minute scan, so we didn't get a chance to do it all. The ultrasound tech did mention that your legs are measuring longer than 20 weeks, 3 days. I just giggle at that because all of your brothers measured short and you are measuring tall. Those four boys better watch out! 

I'll see you again in just a couple weeks for your full scan. I'm counting down the days already. 

I love you Khloe Ruth.

Love, Mommy

P.S. Here are a couple shots of your two biggest brothers watching your ultrasound. They were so amazed that you "actually look like a human". Their words, not mine. 

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