Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Thirty-Five-Weeks-Pregnant-With-Four-Kids Looks Like ...

It looks like a constant messy house ...

It looks like making your kids clean a whole lot more than they used to and then you asking yourself why the heck you didn't do this sooner ... 

It looks like your toddler having major mood swings ...

It looks like morning walks become your saving grace ... 

It looks like your clothes clearly not fitting and yet you wear them anyway ... 

It looks like loads of library books, Tums and crackers for dinner ...

It looks like letting your three year old bring toys into your room after you have said over and over for him not to because well, you are picking your battles ... 

It looks like feeling like you hit the lottery when all the laundry is done ... 

It looks like eating loads and loads and loads of ice cream ... 

It looks like being crazy enough to get the office painted in your house knowing all the chaos that will come with it, but at least the walls are pretty ... 

It looks like dragging all your kids out of the house just to get a Starbucks because there are some mornings you actually need it ...

It looks like PB&Js happen for lunch ... 

It looks like leggings are your only functioning piece in your wardrobe and your seven year old asking you why you're "so dressed up" ...

It looks like just what it sounds like. I am 35 weeks pregnant with my fifth kiddo. And life is messy and forgiving and crazy and beautiful and miserable ... 

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