Monday, October 13, 2014

Mission Trip to Honduras: Post Two

Who knew a 20 minute chat could calm one's heart so much? 

I pretty much watch the clock all day and count down to when I can talk to the husband and Kollin. And as expected, their voices, smiles, laughter and the sudden high pitch baby talk they do as soon as Khloe's face pops up on the screen made my heart super happy.

Kollin is doing so much better than I thought he would. Some of the Momma in me is heartbroken about that and then the other Momma in me is super relieved about it. I was really expecting teary phone calls and lots of "I wanna come home"s. But I haven't had either of those, unless you consider me crying a teary phone call. 

I was sure to pack several little notes for Kollin to have throughout the week. I packed one for him while he was on the plane ride, one for Sunday morning and one for Sunday night, one for Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night, then one for Friday morning. Too much? 

(This picture was taken by Mrs. Susan yesterday.)

A picture like this one makes all my second guessing I did early Saturday morning fly out the window. God wanted Kollin in Honduras this week and I feel such peace in my heart about spending this time away from him. I am so thankful for pictures like these. 

They got a lot done today. This picture below is the progress from yesterday's end to today's end. 

Please continue to pray for our group in Honduras and for nice weather so they are able to complete this church before Friday. 

P.S. The husband survived the soggy fish.  

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