Friday, May 30, 2014

TOS Review - Apologia Educational Ministries ...

Apologia Review

If you have been following my blog for a while now, you know that Apologia is no stranger here. When we first started homeschooling, I had more than one seasoned homeschooling Momma rave about Apologia and their Bible-based curriculum. This is the third curriculum we have used from Apologia and each time I am more impressed with the in-depth, scripture based, fun and exciting teachings. 

Just in case you are not familiar with Apologia Educational Ministries, here is a little bit of information. Apologia is a curriculum company based solely for homeschooling families. This company offers several different subjects from Science to History to Language Arts to Biblical Worldview. They also offer products for the parents as well, such as planners. Check out their website for all of their great products!

Because we reviewed part of their What We Believe series, I'll tell you more about this part of their ministry. Apologia has teamed up with Summit Ministries to bring homeschooling families a curriculum based on the Word of God on how to train children to view the world through the eyes of God, using scripture to reveal along the way the truth about our world. 

There are four volumes in this series:
Volume 1: Who Is God?
Volume 2: Who Am I?
Volume 3: Who Is My Neighbor?
Volume 4: What On Earth Can I Do?

Apologia recognizes the negative influences our children are in contact with every day: peer pressure, messages sent through the television shows they come across and the music they hear while flipping through the radio. Their goal is to provide a series that will direct our children on the right path to understanding how God wants them to view the world. Even more than that, the series will teach children some of the essential beliefs of the Christian faith. 

This series has been created for children in grades 1-6. 

What We Received and How We Used It:

For this review we received the complete set for Volume 4 (Biblical Worldview of Stewardship) of the What We Believe series, entitled What On Earth Can I Do? 

In our curriculum package we received the following materials:

Apologia ReviewApologia Review

Apologia ReviewApologia Review

When I saw the opportunity to review another Apologia curriculum, of course I jumped on it! And then when I read about the series, I prayed about it - that our family would be selected for this curriculum. 

One question I hear on nearly a daily basis from Kollin (7) is "Why am I here? What does God want me to do? I'm just a kid." I can only tell him so many times that God has something for him and through prayer he'll begin to see what that purpose is. That answer only keeps my deep 7 year old happy for so long. I knew this book and journal would be wonderful for both of us. I knew it would be a great explanation for Kollin and would satisfy the hunger in him to know more about what his purpose is. And I knew it would be good for me too, to help answer his questions and to be able to fill those days of doubt for him with scripture and promises from God's Word. 

What On Earth Can I Do? contains eight truth revealing lessons:
Lesson 1: Your Story or God's Story?
Lesson 2: Who Put You In Charge?
Lesson 3: Will You Be Found Faithful?
Lesson 4: Where Is Your Treasure?
Lesson 5: Where Does Your Time Go?
Lesson 6: Whose Life Is It Anyway?
Lesson 7: Why Isn't It Easy Being Green?
Lesson 8: What Will Happen When The Master Returns?

Each lesson begins with 'The Big Idea' which explains the overall purpose of the lesson and what will be explored, revealed and taught. There are stories on real people, biblical truths, prayers, fictional stories and so much more used to portray to the learner (and teacher as far as I'm concerned) what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made through the eyes of our Savior. 

Kollin and I used the What On Earth Can I Do? book on our own. Kollin also used the What On Earth Can I Do? Junior Notebooking Journal as well as the coloring book we also received. We read in this book just three days a week and Kollin worked through his journal and colored as I would read. Because this book is made for children from Kollin's age all the way to sixth grade, most of the material was above his head. I was able to read ahead of time and mark the material I knew he would understand, take in and would benefit him for his age now. Through the time of the review, we successfully worked through all of lesson one. Because the lessons are so incredibly in-depth, we had to work a little slower and read less than what is suggested in the layout of the lessons in the book. 

What I Thought About It All:

It's so obvious how much our family loves Apologia Educational Ministries! Their passion to provide homeschooling families with quality, affordable material is heart warming and I love their firm stance on teaching so many subjects based on God's Word. 

From what Kollin and I read in the What On Earth Can I Do? book excites me! Although I feel like much of the material and stories were more than he could handle, I know in my heart this book and journal are going to benefit Kollin and the rest of our children in the years to come. With each school year, I plan to get this book back out and go more in depth each time.

The stories throughout the lessons are so intriguing and relate so well to the purpose of the book. Although this book is made to be used by students up to sixth grade, I firmly believe teens, young adults and even Moms and Dads will learn from this book. 

Important Information:


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