Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Little Sick Princess ...

My Khloe is sick. 

She woke up from her nap this afternoon with a high fever, 103.8 to be exact. A sick baby is the worst. It just breaks my heart when I don't know what to fix, how to fix it. And oh.my.gosh at the nasty flu germs going around right now. We escaped it last year and I have been praying we would escape it this year. 

My Momma and I scooped up Klo and headed to the pediatrician's office (we see Dr. Potts and he is THE best Mommas). After running a flu test and some minor blood work, we were still left with no answers. The flu test was negative and her blood work looked okay. We knew more work needed to be ran, so off to CHOA we went. In the rain. Gross.

After being poked, prodded, cathed and messed with over and over again, we are home and in the bed. More tests were ran at the Emergency Room and we will hear back from those sometime tomorrow. The doctor there said the flu tests given at the pediatrician's office are pretty much 50/50, so they ran another one of those too.

By the time we got home, her fever was already high again. Seriously, breaks my heart. So her and I are cuddled up in the bed catching up on our Dr. Phil. 

Pray for my little lady please. 

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