There is no rhyme or reason to this. And I really don't even know the point. I am just going to blurt out a bunch of stuff. Because I just feel like it I guess.
1. I am addicted to Grey's Anatomy. It's like my guilty pleasure, my escape at bedtime (and sometimes nap time). I feel like I know them. Please someone tell me I am not the only one like this. We took a quick trip to the mountains a few weekends ago and I'm all "Oh my gosh! That looks just like Mer and Derek's house!". Yea. It's that bad. I started Season 1 on Netflix a couple months ago, just started Season 11 this week. Anyway, so there is my confession.
2. I'm in total awe of having a daughter. My heart feels like it may explode somedays, well most days really. And I really could sit here and write for forever about her. Maybe I'll save all of that sappiness for another post. But really y'all, when I get her out of the tub and she sits on my bed and I brush her hair ... my.heart.explodes ...
3. I'm ready for winter. Actually, I'm more than ready. I'm a Summer girl for sure, but I'm not going to deny how much I crave a fire in the fireplace this time of year. And hot chocolate. And fleece jammies. Oh yea.
4. I'm thinking about cutting all of my hair off again. Thoughts on that?
5. I got a gym membership. Y'all I haven't had one of those in nearly 10 years. Honestly, I never thought I would want another one. And then about a week ago, I just decided to get one. And I'm loving it. The running, the machines, the sauna. I love it.
6. Ben and Jerry's American Dream. Enough said there.
7. This is the first year I am really feeling just how much testosterone is in my house. I am surrounded and enveloped and overtaken by football, football and more football. Kolt is obsessed. Like bad. He eats, sleeps and breathes football. Him and the other two biggest boys have printed just about all of the schedules, both Pro and College. And they study them. I have football cards all over my house. By the toilets. Taped to the walls. Pinned to the fridge. I am washing the same jerseys over and over again since they wear them to bed and to play in. And I'm not going to lie. I am loving every second of it. I love to hear them sit at the kitchen table and draw up their "Dream Team". I love to watch them play football in the backyard. I love to hear Kolt say, "Really?? What were you thinking??" - just like his Daddy does during a game. I love it all.
8. I hit over 13,000 steps on my FitBit the other day from just cleaning my house. That is a lot of cleaning.
9. I love that Kohen loves animals like he does. Out of all the things to pick on Netflix, he picks Planet Earth - the Ice episode - he's obsessed with penguins. It's seriously the cutest squeal ever when it comes on.
10. I need a new wardrobe. One fit for a thirty year old. Versatile. And comfy.
11. I need a vacation. Like a long one.
So I guess that's it for right now. My random thoughts.
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