Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Karate. Life. Football. Life. Baseball. Life. Repeat.

Good morning from the Nichols'!!

This morning I woke up to Kruz in my bed first. He is always the first one awake, he is my early bird! He is so mischievous and always takes advantage by getting into Daddy's deodorant and my lotion or something he knows he is not supposed to. If not that, then I hear some Mandisa blaring in my ears and him singing to it. 

And just when I think Kruz was the first of the 4 to be in my bed, I try to turn over and find Kollin snuggled right underneath me. Ever since he was a little guy, he has nearly always joined our bed in the middle of the night for some extra cuddling.

Kolt is my kid to always sleep in a little later. That is until Kruz goes in his room hollering for him to get up. Poor kid. After being woke up by his little brother, he'll come stomping in our room whining about being woke up by Kruz. Ha, I feel ya kid!

And as soon as Kohen knows he is missing out on the action, he too will start squawking in his bed for Mommy to come get him to join the chaos. 

And before I know it, I have no room to move and I have no covers. And I feel overwhelmingly blessed ...

We have so much going on in the next couple weeks. We have been juggling karate, football and baseball the past couple months, that in itself has worn us out. I despise eating fast food, so unless we eat at 4:00 we normally do not eat dinner until around 9:00 and this Momma is not a fan of late dinners. I mean, seriously. My kids are normally in bed my 8:00 on any other night. Sports this spring has really given us a realistic glance into our future of having 4 boys. Pure and utter busyness. And dinners in the car. Or at 9:00. And football pants soaking in the kitchen sink. 

So in the midst of juggling practices, stripe tests and games we also found out Monday that Travis will need an additional surgery on his shoulder next Tuesday. I was totally bummed when I heard this news after his doctor's appointment earlier this week. After Travis attending Physical Therapy so many times during the week and his range of motion not being near at what it should be, we knew another surgery was in his future. But to hear the scheduled date for it, I was just bummed. Please pray for our family as we are having to take on another surgery and daily trips to the physical therapist after his surgery date. The surgery will include the manipulation process, trying to break up the scar tissue that is holding him back from further healing. He will not lose all of his strength, but I can't help but feeling like we are starting over. Friends, please pray for me. 

So if you didn't hear about Travis leaving Clayton County Fire Department here, then click on over and get caught up :) He is doing landscaping full time until school starts and to say he has been bombarded with calls for work would be an understatement. We feel nothing short of a confirmation that God's hand is upon our new journey.

With nicer weather comes people who want nice yards and also people who want their pictures taken, which is my second job. This time of year is definitely my busiest. Oh and we're trying to fit in a vacation somewhere in here too. 

And to top it all off, let me remind you about our Can't-Finish-A-Project-Itis. We are still working on an unfinished master bedroom, a demolition in the boys' room, finding a new mirror for the boys' bathroom, hanging new cabinets in the laundry room and changing out the sinks in the downstairs bathroom. Not to mention the constant laundry and a kitchen that is never not in use and in turn, never clean. And because the temperature here in Georgia is either freezing or like summer, I have to switch out their clothes from winter to summer this week too. Did I mention we homeschool? 

Are you laughing with me yet?

And with all these thoughts bombarding my brain before 9:00 this morning, I stopped to smell the roses. I stopped to look at each of my babies and realize that we do what we do for them. We run around like crazy, hopping from park to park for them. To see Kolt fearlessly tackle boys much bigger than him. And to see Kollin hit the baseball on the first pitch or to see him learn a new form for a new belt.

Life is insane. And oh so good too. I'm just going to breathe and take it all in for what it's worth. These years are going to be gone in the blink of an eye ...

So just breathe Kelsey. Just breathe. 

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